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  名著英文的美文摘抄 1

  If the past has taught us anything,it is that every cause brings effect -- every actionhas a consequence.This thought,in my opinion,is the moral foundation of the universe; it applies equally in this world and the next.We Chinese have a saying:"If a man plants melons,he will reap melons; if he sows beans,he will reap beans." And this is true of every mans life:good begets good,and evil leads to evil.

  True enough,the sun shines on the saint and sinner alike,and too often it seems that the wicked wax and prosper.But we can say with certitude that,with the individual as with the nation,the flourishing of the wicked is an illusion,for,unceasingly,life keeps books on us all.In the end,we are all the sum total of our actions.

  Character cannot be counterfeited,nor can it be put on and cast off as if it were a garment to meet the whim of the moment.Like the markings on wood which are ingrained in the very heart of the tree,character requires time and nurture for growth and development.Thus also,day by day,we write our own destiny,for inexorably we become what we do.This,I believe,is the supreme logic and the law of life.





  名著英文的美文摘抄 2

  "Thank you for your application.We would like to congratulate you," the letter read.Those words can make your heart skip a beat and bring tears to your eyes.

  The feeling of following your dreams is inexplicable and proof that all your hard work was worth it.It is a signpost in life,a trail marker.It is a day you will never forget,the day you opened that envelope and your future was revealed.

  But what about all those days in-between - the ones that make and break you,the days that are nothing special.

  Would you have received that acceptance letter had you not attended the college fair at your school?What if you had forgotten to send an essay with your application,would you have been rejected?In life,one step creates the next.

  Each day is of equal importance,no matter how good or bad.

  名著英文的美文摘抄 3

  It was a beautiful letter, but there was no way, except for the name Michael, to identify the owner. Maybe if I called information, the operator could find a phone listing for the address on the envelope. The operator suggested I speak with her supervisor, who hesitated for a moment, then said, "Well, there is a phone listing at that address, but I cant give you the number. " She said as a courtesy, she would call that number, explain my story and ask whoever answered if the person wanted her to connect me.




  名著英文的美文摘抄 4

  I had a long conversation with one of my university classmates last night. We took some beer. We always did that when we were still undergraduates.

  We are very good friends. There’s no secret between us. He’s the one who introduced a “nice” girl to me in 1996. Even though I broke up with her in the end because I found I was not her only boy, I was still grateful to him. He didn’t mean to introduce a slut to me anyway!

  His father passed away in September 1999, two days before I called him from Singapore. Except saying “Oh, How” to him, I did not know what to say. I knew these words were so useless, but I had almost the same feelings as him! I knew his father well, who was a respectful professor, just like my father! He treated me as his own son! The bad news had ruined my mood for a month!

  Two years later, I attended his wedding ceremony. He has a well-educated and beautiful wife! I thought he was happy until last night! He told me he had not been with his wife for 4 months already! They have not signed the paper yet, though!

  I thought he was joking at first, so I said: Come on, buddy! Don’t do it only because we are brothers! He said: I do not joke around! I will never make jokes on my marriage!

  Then he told me it was because his wife did not respect his mother much! He did try to maintain a friendly relationship between his wife and his mum, but he failed in the end! The young impulsive woman tore their wedding pictures into pieces just in face of his mum! It’s only because his mum claimed that her cooking skills were not perfect. Was it a big deal that your mum said that to her? I asked him. Nope, I don’t think so. He replied. Neither do I!

  However, I still try to let him know how suffered I was in last year. I suggested him to have a last frank talk with his wife and try to solve the problem. You have no idea how I managed to make myself out of the shits! I said to him! Don’t sign the paper unless you have no other options!

  Oops, How am I gonna help him out of this?

  名著英文的美文摘抄 5


  After winning several archery contests,the young and rather boastful champion challenged a Zen master who was renowned for his skill as an archer.The young man demonstrated remarkable technical proficiency when he hit a distant bull’s eye on his first try,and then split that arrow with his second shot. “There,”he said to the old man, “see if you can match that!”Undisturbed ,the master did not draw his bow,but rather motioned for the young archer to follow him up the mountain.Curious about the old fellow’s `intentions,the champion followed him high into the mountain until they reached a deep chasm spanned by a rather flimsy and shaky log.Calmly stepping out onto the middle of the unsteady and certainly perilous bridge ,the old maser picked a far away tree as a target,drew his bow,and fired a clean,direct hit. “Now it is your turn,”he said as he gracefully stepped back onto the safe ground.Staring with terror into the seemingly bottomless and beckoning abyss,the young man could not force himself to step out onto the log,no less shoot at a target. “You have much skill with your bow,” the master said ,sensing his challenger’s predicament, “but you have little skill with the mind that lets loose the shot.”









  名著英文的美文摘抄 6

  A good companion is better than a fortune, for a fortune cannot purchase those elements of character which make companionship a blessing. The best companion is one who is wiser and better than ourselves, for we are inspired by his wisdom and virtue to nobler deeds. Greater wisdom and goodness than we possess lifts us higher mentally and morally.

  “A man is known by the companion he keeps.” It is always true. Companionship of a high order is powerful to develop character. Character makes character in the associations of life faster than anything else. Purity begets purity, like begets like; and this fact makes the choice of companion in early life more important even than that of teachers and guardians

  It is true that we cannot always choose all of our companions, some are thrust upon us by business or the social relations of life, we do not choose them, we do not enjoy them; and yet, we have to associate with them more or less. The experience is not altogether without compensation, if there be principle enough in us to bear the strain. Still, in the main, choice of companions can be made, and must be made. It is not best or necessary for a young person to associate with “Tom, Dick, and Harry” without forethought or purpose. Some fixed rules about the company he or she keeps must be observed. The subject should be uttermost in the thoughts, and canvassed often

  Companionship is education, good or not; it develops manhood or womanhood, high or low; it lifts soul upward or drags it downward; it minister to virtue or vice. There is no half way work about its influence. If it ennobles, it does grandly, if it demoralizes, it doest it devilishly. It saves or destroys lustily. Nothing in the world is surer than this. Sow virtue, and the harvest will be virtue, Sow vice, and the harvest will be vice. Good companionships help us to sow virtue; evil companionships help us to sow vice.





  名著英文的美文摘抄 7

  A frail old man lived with his son, his daughter-in-law, and his four-year-old grandson. His eyes were blurry, his hands trembled, and his step faltered.


  The family would eat together nightly at the dinner table. But the elderly grandfathers shaky hands and failing sight made eating rather difficult. Peas rolled off his spoon, drooping to the floor. When he grasped his glass of milk, it often spilled clumsily at the tablecloth.


  With this happening almost every night, the son and daughter-in-law became irritated with the mess.


  "We must do something about grandfather," said the son.


  "Ive had enough of his milk spilling, noisy eating and food on the floor," the daughter-in-law agreed.


  So the couple set a small table at the corner.


  There, grandfather ate alone while the rest of the family enjoyed their dinner at the dinner table. Since grandfather had broken a dish or two, his food was served in wooden bowls. Sometimes when the family glanced in grandfathers direction, he had a tear in his eye as he ate alone. Still, the only words the couple had for him were sharp admonitions when he dropped a fork or spilled food. The four-year-old watched it all in silence.


  One evening, before supper, the father noticed his son playing with wood scraps on the floor. He asked the child sweetly: "What are you making?" Just as sweetly, the boy replied, "Oh, Im making a little bowl for you and mama to eat your food from when I grow up." The four-year-old smiled and went back to work.


  These words so struck the parents that they were speechless. Then tears streamed down their cheeks. Though no words were spoken, both knew what must be done. That evening, the husband took grandfathers hand and gently led him back to the family table.


  For the remainder of his days, grandfather ate every meal with the family. And for some reason, neither husband nor wife seemed to care any longer when a fork was dropped, milk was spilled or the table cloth was soiled.


  名著英文的美文摘抄 8

  They say Life and Death are not in anyones hands.

  They are things that just happen every time and with everyone. Same is the case with time. Most of the times we take it for granted that there is always plenty of time. Due to this perhaps we indulge in various activities, which are a wholesale waste of time.

  The clock is always ticking. The seconds keep on ticking just like busy ants. The ants keep themselves always busy by always hunting for food everywhere. Similarly the seconds always keep on ticking to attain short-term goals of making a minute with 60 ticks. After reaching a milestone of a minute the seconds hand of a clock dont take a break, but start afresh for another round of 60 ticks. The take it minute by minute and inadvertently reach a quarter of an hour, and hour and then a day. They always focus on the smaller targets- that is a minute and the bigger aim of the clock itself gets fulfilled. Thats why the minutes hand have to work less, as the seconds hand does most of the running around. The minute hand just has to make 60 movements on a clock dial. The hours hand is the luckiest of the lot. It just moves for 12 times in an hour. But the seconds hand movies for 3600 times around the dial for the same hour!

  Parallel to this, in our life to we never realizes that we have lots to do. Between every big task we can always find enough time to fit in a plethora of smaller tasks. If you are waiting for a train at the station, you can always read a magazine or rather chalk out your study timetable for exams. While traveling in the bus too one can find enough time to at least skim through the previous days notes.

  Be like the clock. Always keep on ticking by involving yourself in various things and learning new things. These small knowledge and experience modules will perhaps one day take you to your bigger goal some day. They say "Time and Tide waits for no man". If so, now stop staring at the screen and utilize your time effectively!

  名著英文的美文摘抄 9

  A hobby can be almost anything a person likes to do in his spare time. Hobbyists raise pets, build model ships, weave bas-kets, or carve soap figures and so on. In a word, hobbies offer en-joyment, friendship, knowledge and relaxation.

  Then, what is my hobby? Well, what I like most is singing. I began to sing songs when I was very young. My uncle was studying in a college then, so he could sing lots of songs, and he taught me several songs. I showed great interests in the music then, for they were pleasing to ears and easy to sing. My uncle told me they were called pop songs.

  When I grew up, my music teacher found that I had a good voice, so she sent me to the Childrens Palace to study vocal mu-sic. From then on, I began my vocal music training. And then I knew there were several kinds of songs, like folk songs, pop songs and so on. What I had learned most was the songs for children. They were all simple ones but our teacher trained us very strictly. We practiced how to produce sound and how to make our expres-sion more natural and more pleasing. Those simple training didnt reduce my interest in singing at all and I won awards one after another in several kinds of competition. Actually I began to make up a dream of becoming a famous singer in the future.

  As time went by, I came to realize that my dream wouldnt come true for there were strict conditions of being a singer. But I still took singing as my hobby since I found in music the interests which were lost in the exams. When I put all my emotion into singing a song, it gave me very good and very pleasant feelings, and a good chance to relax. Besides, it was a good way to learn things that couldnt be easily found in life.

  Now as Im saying goodbye to my childhood my voice has changed into a deep male voice, and therefore I can sing a lot of songs written for adults. I am often deeply moved, by the melody or by what the song writers said. I can feel that these words come from the bottom of their hearts: "All my best memories come back clearly to me. Some can even make me cry, just like before. Its yesterday once more. ""Heal the world, make it a place, for you and for me and the entire human race". When I sing these songs, tears well up in my eyes.

  I love singing, and the most warm and fragrant thing in life, I assume, is sitting in the sunshine, listening-to the walkman and singing together with the singer.

  So, this is my hobby, and I hope every one of us can enjoy his own hobby, en joy the simple, good things of life.








  名著英文的美文摘抄 10

  They had known each other for 3 years. Both of them were of conservative type, shy and introverted. Although he had never mentioned the word of love in her presence. She was able to vaguely detectburning passion for her in his different look. She dropped one hint after another to encourage him, but he remained big fool never dare to disclose to his own thought. Time passed by so quickly,3 years later she was engaged to another young man. However, she could not drive his image away from her mind on the eve of the engagement.


  “If he comes and proposes now, I’m still willing to go back to him.” She complained amidst the congratulations of her relatives and friends. Yet he did nothing of the sort at the difference of the look was a faint streak of melancholy. At least, it was the eve of marriage, nevertheless, for happiness of marriage mingled with a touch of sadness.


  “Even if he should come and propose now, I would give up all this in favor of this belatedhappiness.” She said to herself as she tried wedding gown, but again he was as silent as ever only his eyes betrayed great misery.

  “要是他現在開口,我也寧愿放棄一切,選擇這份遲來的幸 福”在試穿結婚禮服的時候她仍舊這樣想著,但他還是沒有任 何表示,只是眼神中的憂郁更為濃重了。

  50 years passed and passage of the time turned their hair silvery white. She was the first to collapse. In her critical condition, he come from other place to see her. Holding his hand in tight grip. She asked him one question into which she had compressed the perplexities and expectations of the life time, “Tell me, what on earth have you been waiting for? ” “Waiting for you to...”he mumbled out his life long hesitations and expectations only when he made sure no one else was within hearing. “For me what? ” “For you to break the ice! ”

  50年過去了,兩人都已兩鬢斑白。最終,她先倒了下去,臨 終前,他從遠方趕回看她。她握緊他的'手,把一生的疑慮和期待 化為一句話:“請你告訴我,你究競在等什么? ”“我在等你…啊!”他顫抖地說道,這也是他猶豫了一生的期待等我什么?”“等你先開口啊! ”

  名著英文的美文摘抄 11

  The Happy door

  Happiness is like a pebble dropped into a pool to set in motion an ever-widening circle of ripples. As Stevenson has said, being happy is a duty.

  There is no exact definition of the word happiness. Happy people are happy for all sorts of reasons. The key is not wealth or physical well-being, since we find beggars, invalids and so-called failures, who are extremely happy.

  Being happy is a sort of unexpected dividend. But staying happy is an accomplishment, a triumph of soul and character. It is not selfish to strive for it. It is, indeed, a duty to ourselves and others.

  Being unhappy is like an infectious disease. It causes people to shrink away from the sufferer. He soon finds himself alone, miserable and embittered. There is, however, a cure so simple as to seem, at first glance, ridiculous; if you don’t feel happy, pretend to be!

  It works. Before long you will find that instead of repelling people, you attract them. You discover how deeply rewarding it is to be the center of wider and wider circles of good will.

  Then the make-believe becomes a reality. You possess the secret of peace of mind, and can forget yourself in being of service to others.

  Being happy, once it is realized as a duty and established as a habit, opens doors into unimaginable gardens thronged with grateful friends.


















