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British education is famous for its uniqueness. Its curriculum includes three years of junior high school education, two years of high school education and more than two years of advanced education (F & f students must pass the advanced examination and get good grades to enter the University). In the United States, university education is more universal and global, that is, the curriculum includes junior high school education in, high school education in and university education in.
Community colleges are also popular in the United States, because tuition is much cheaper than universities, but in fact they offer the same courses. There are many universities in the United States where people are not eager to get a bachelor's degree to earn a living.
United Kingdom for short Kingdom) or UK( English:Btain Btain, commonly known as Btain, is the islands of Great Btain, England, Scotland and Wales, as well as the northeast of Ireland and Northern Ireland. It is a sees of subsidiary islands composed of an island country in Western Eupe. In the word xEnglishx, it comes fm xEnglandx, and its international code is GB.
Btain is located in the Btish Isles in the northwest of Eupean continent It is the North Sea, the English channel, the Celtic Sea, the Ish Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. Besides being sunded by Btain, it also includes 14 overseas tertoes of the United Kingdom.
英國,簡稱聯合王國(英文:United Kingdom)或英國(English:Btain,俗稱英國,是大不列顛、英格蘭、蘇格蘭和威爾士島嶼,以及愛爾蘭島和北愛爾蘭島東北部,由西歐一個島國組成一系列附屬島嶼,在“英語”一詞中,即來自“英格蘭”,而其國際代碼GB英國位于歐洲大陸西北部不列顛群島,是北海、英吉利海峽、凱爾特海,愛爾蘭海和大西洋除了被英國包圍外,還包括英國聯合王國十四個海外。