1、a piece of cake:形容非常容易
Is a Piece of Cake 讓孩子開口說英文
be a piece of cake 非常簡單 ; 小菜一碟
Not a piece of cake 談何容易
a piece of cake piece 是指一片 ; 詳細翻譯
Just a piece of cake 沒什么 ; 小菜一碟 ; 輕松自如
A piece of birthday cake 一塊生日蛋糕
Of course, you already know how to do that, so this is a piece of cake -- if you've forgotten, Listing 3 is a quick refresher.
當然,您已經知道如何去做了,所以這是輕而易舉的事情 -- 如果您忘了如何去做,那么可以參看清單3作為復習。
2、as easy as pie:小事一樁;輕而易舉
as easy as a pie 極容易 ; 非常容易
It's as easy as pie 非常簡單
Easy as pie 不費吹灰之力 ; 非常簡單
easy as a pie 容易
easy as pie very easy 很容易
So what this study suggests is that for many people self-deception is as easy as pie.