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Drink water. Researchers at the University of Connecticut did a study on 25 healthy women and found that mild dehydration affects cognition. It affected the mood of the slightly dehydrated women, and they did worse than the control group on tasks that tested for things like concentration, learning, memory, and reasoning. Not drinking enough water can affect your energy level, mood, and concentration, so remember to drink up while you're at work.喝水。康涅狄格大學的研究人員對25名健康婦女進行的一項研究表明,輕度的脫水會影響認知。它影響了輕度脫水的婦女的情緒,她們在注意力,學習,記憶,推理的測試中,比正常的婦女做的差。喝太少的水會影響你的能量水平,情緒,和注意力,所以當你工作的時候,記得要喝水。
Exercise daily. Perhaps your lack of concentration can be due to feeling burned out by your job. Getting your daily dose of exercise is vital for your mental health and can help prevent burnout. A study in the Journal of Applied Psychology found that job burnout rate and depression were the greatest in those who did not exercise. In fact, the more the participants exercised, the lower the risk of facing work burnout.日常鍛煉。你之所以注意力不集中,可能是由于你覺得自己的工作太累了。每天的運動對你的心理健康是至關重要的,它能幫助你預防疲勞。一篇在《應用心理學》雜志上的研究表明,那些缺乏鍛煉的人更容易感到工作疲倦,甚至患上抑郁癥。實際上,參與的鍛煉越多,工作疲勞的風險就越低。
Sniff the scent of rosemary. You may want to change your perfume to one that's rosemary-infused. A study by the Northumbria University in the UKexposed participants to the scent of rosemary while they were performing tasks. Those with higher levels of a rosemary component in their blood performed faster and with more accuracy. Have a rosemary potpourri at your desk to sniff on occasion when you need to clear your mind.聞迷迭香的香味。你可能想把你的香水變成迷迭香的味道。英國諾桑比亞大學的一項研究要求參與者在聞得到迷迭香氣味的情況下去執行任務。那些血液中有更高濃度迷迭香的參與者表現得更快,更準確。在你的辦公桌上放有迷迭香氣味的東西吧,當你需要清理思緒的時候,聞一下迷迭香。