雷霆 基本解釋
雷霆[léi tíng ]
詞典thunder-like power or rage
雷霆 漢英大詞典
雷霆[léi tíng]
(霹靂) thunderclap; thunderbolt
雷霆 雙語例句
1. 根據盤古開天地的不同傳說,他的眼淚流成了河眼睛的光芒變成了雷霆和閃電。
According to some versions of the Pan Gu legend, his tears flowed to make rivers and the radiance of his eyes turned into thunder and lightning.
2. 其疾如風;其徐如林;侵掠如火;不動如山;難知如陰;動如雷霆;侵吞之勢如海潮
Not really...but let's say true because sometimes i docan the wind make you fly?
3. 其疾如風;其徐如林;侵掠如火;不動如山;難知如陰;動如雷霆;侵吞之勢如海潮
Not really, so false...
4. 不要在我每次不得不走的時候都大發雷霆。
Don't throw a fit every time I have to go.
5. 母親:我丈夫看到這個會大發雷霆的.。
Mom: My husband is going to throw a fit when he sees this.
6. 你父親要是聽說了你的所作所為,一定會大發雷霆。
Your father will throw a fit when he hears what you have done.
7. 她要是發現了,一定會大發雷霆。
She'll throw a fit if she finds out.
8. 今天早上,我等了將近一個小時。等我見了他的時候,我可真是大發雷霆。
This morning I waited fon almost an hour and I practically blew my top when I saw him.
9. 首生盤古,垂死化身;氣成風云,聲為雷霆,左眼為日,右眼為月,四肢五體為四極五岳,血液為江河,筋脈為地里,肌肉為田土,發髭為星辰,皮毛為草木,齒骨為金石,精髓為珠玉,汗流為雨澤,身之諸蟲,因風所感,化為黎氓。
First Health pangu, dying embodiment; gas clouds, the sound is thunder, his left eye for the day, the right eye for months, body limbs for five quadrupole Five Sacred Mountains, for the rivers of blood, as in NF, the muscle for the Land, a mustache for the stars, fur, for vegetation, for the golden tooth bone, the essence for Zhu Yu, Ze汗流for rain, are all the insects, because of the wind by a sense of vagrant into Lebanon.
10. 讓我們回到雷霆崖去,回到奧格瑞瑪去,回到booty bay去,回到悲傷沼澤去,回到希爾斯布萊德去,回到我們沙塔斯的的貧民區和諾森德的荒原去,要心中有數,這種狀況是能夠也必將改變的。
Go back to Thunder Bluff, go back to Orgrimarr, go back to Booty Bay, go back to Swamp of Sorrows, go back to Hillsbrad, go back to the slums and ghettos of our northrend, knowing that somehow this situation can and will be changed.
11. 精通攫抓:要使用這個能力,雷霆蜥蜴必須使用他的撕咬攻擊擊中小一個體型的對手。
Improved Grab: To use this ability, a thunder lizard must hit an opponent of up to one size smallerwith its bite attack.
12. 精通攫抓:要使用這個能力,雷霆蜥蜴必須使用他的撕咬攻擊擊中小一個體型的對手。
Improved Grab: To use this ability, a thunder lizard must hit an opponent of up to one size smaller with its bite attack.
13. 但艾默里小姐對這件倒霉事兒卻大發雷霆。
But Miss Amory was savage at her mishap.
14. 吞噬:雷霆蜥蜴能夠嘗試通過一個成功的戰斗鑒定來吞下被攫抓的小一個體型的對手。
Swallow Whole: A thunder lizard can try to swallow a grabbed opponent of up to one size smaller by making a successful grapple check.
15. 盧瑟福和泰勒都是移民,都對維護他們移民去的國家表示出狂熱的愛國主義情緒;兩者的行為都很像身體過度發育的孩子,對瑣事大發雷霆,隨后又若無其事,友好親切;兩者都對學生像父親一樣,既關心他們的個人問題,也關心他們的學業;兩者都多科學研究的策略而不是技巧更感興趣,盧瑟福決定用加速器研究原子,把有關加速器的細節問題留給卡斯喀特和華爾頓,泰勒決定造氫彈和安全反應堆,然后把細節問題留給其他人;兩人都把一生獻給科學研究,但花費在幫助年輕人的時間比自己做研究的時間要多得多;泰勒以《齊心協力》為標題講述了他眼中的氫彈故事;卡斯喀特和華爾頓的名字出現在寫給《自然》雜志宣布他們發現的信中,但信中沒有盧瑟福的名字,我的名字出現在安全反應堆專利中,但也沒有泰勒的名字。
Both were more interested in the strategy of science than in the tactics.
16. 盧瑟福和泰勒都是移民,都對維護他們移民去的國家表示出狂熱的愛國主義情緒;兩者的行為都很像身體過度發育的孩子,對瑣事大發雷霆,隨后又若無其事,友好親切;兩者都對學生像父親一樣,既關心他們的個人問題,也關心他們的學業;兩者都多科學研究的策略而不是技巧更感興趣,盧瑟福決定用加速器研究原子,把有關加速器的細節問題留給卡斯喀特和華爾頓,泰勒決定造氫彈和安全反應堆,然后把細節問題留給其他人;兩人都把一生獻給科學研究,但花費在幫助年輕人的時間比自己做研究的時間要多得多;泰勒以《齊心協力》為標題講述了他眼中的氫彈故事;卡斯喀特和華爾頓的名字出現在寫給《自然》雜志宣布他們發現的信中,但信中沒有盧瑟福的名字,我的名字出現在安全反應堆專利中,但也沒有泰勒的名字。
Rutherford and Teller were both immigrants who became fiercely patriotic in defense of their adopted countries. Both often behaved like overgrown children, losing their tempers over trivialities and then regaining their equilibrium with a friendly smile. Both were father figures to their students, taking care of students'personal problems as well as their professional education. Both were more interested in the strategy of science than in the tactics. Rutherford made the decision to explore nuclei with an accelerator, and then left the details of the accelerator to Cockcroft and Walton. Teller made the decision to build a hydrogen bomb or a safe reactor and then left the details to others. Both had a lifelong dedication to science, but spent more time helping younger people than doing research themselves. Teller published his version of the hydrogen bomb story under the title The Work of Many People. The names of Cockcroft and Walton appear on the letter to Nature announcing their discovery but Rutherford's does not. My name appears on the patent for the safe reactor but Teller's does not.
17. 把我投入了有害無益的辱罵和爭斗。為了一個姑娘,我和阿基琉斯竟至于唇槍舌劍,而我還率先動了雷霆。倘若我倆能齊心合謀,特洛伊人
Achilles and I are quarrelling about this girl, in which matter I was the first to offend; if we can be of one mind again, the Trojans will not stave off destruction for a day.
18. 他完全把面包當作藝術品,哪怕只有一勺黃油不新鮮,他也要大發雷霆,認為那簡直是難以容忍的褻瀆。
He regards biscuit as completely artwork, even if one spoon butter is not only fresh, he also wants be furious, those who think that is to tolerate hard simply is profanatory.
19. 同樣的,我們不會把雷霆一擊的CD減為0。
Likewise, we don't want to reduce the cooldown of Thunder Clap to zero.
20. 在戰機、火炮與迫擊炮雷霆般的火力支援過后,貝勞手下的各個排依次發起了進攻。
Barrow then attacked in a column of platoons behind a thunderous preparation by close air, artillery, and mortars.