

時間:2025-02-10 10:49:46 玉華 臺詞 我要投稿
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  《緋聞女孩》的經典臺詞 1

  1、Gossip girl: Hey, upper east siders, gossip girl here、緋聞女孩:嘿,上東區的人們,緋聞女孩駕到。(gossip: 緋聞,流言蜚語;upper east side:上東區,聚集了金融、投資銀行的富豪們,是美國紐約的富人比較集中的區域。)

  2、Gossip girl: your one and only source into the scandalous lives of Manhattans elite、 這是你們窺探曼哈頓上流生活的唯一渠道。(one and only:一且唯一;source: 來源;scandalous: 丑聞的,可恥的;Manhattan:曼哈頓,紐約市中心區;elite: 精英,中堅分子)

  3、Was it only a year ago our "it" girl mysteriously disappeared for boarding school?我們的時尚女孩不是在一年前神秘消失,轉到"寄宿學校"就讀了嗎?("it" girl:指那些經常現身主流媒體及終日參加聚會的時尚女孩 ;board: 登飛機、車、船等; boarding: 供膳的,供膳宿的;boarding school:寄宿學校)

  4、they’re b、f、f、s,、她們是死黨。(b、f、f、s: best friends forever的縮寫:永遠的好朋友)

  5、Clocks ticking、時不我待。(tick: 發出滴答聲,形象地用時鐘的走動的動作所發出的'滴答聲表明時間飛速流逝,多用于口語。)

  6、He tries to take his own life, and youre worried its gonna cost you "mom of the year"?他試圖自殺,而你擔心的卻是這會讓別人覺得你不是個好母親?(gonna:將要=going to;"mom of the year"在美國常會評選年度人物,例如公司里的年度最佳雇員=employee of the year。這個虛構的“年度媽媽”評選在這里是帶有諷刺意味的表達,直譯是:你擔心的是讓你選不上“年度媽媽”?)

  7、Theres nothing gossip girl, likes more than a good catfight、 沒有比女生間的勾心斗角更讓緋聞女孩喜愛。(catfight: 激烈的爭吵;一般指女人吵架。)

  8、but moms gone, and dad’s, allergic to department stores、 老媽不在, 老爸又不喜歡逛百貨公司。(allergic: 過敏的,be allergic to something 對某物過敏。例如:Ryan is allergic to seafood、瑞安對海鮮過敏。臺詞幽默表達為:“老爸對百貨公司過敏。”)

  9、it looks like the ultimate insider, has become a total outsider、 看來曾經的圈內核心人物, 徹底變成了圈外人。(ultimate: 首要的;insider: 業內人士;total: 完全的;outsider: 圈外人)

  10、No one forced his hand、 Your boy lost fair and square、沒人逼他,你的兄弟輸得正大光明。(force:強迫,強奪,加壓力;fair:公平的;square:正直的,公正的,四方塊;fair and square:固定短語,意思為光明正大。)

  11、Blair is free to focus on the most important event of the fall—her annual sleepover、布萊爾能夠空出時間集中精力于秋天里最重要的活動——每年一度的借宿派對。(fall: 秋天,美式英語用法,英式英語多用autumn;annual: 每年的 sleepover: 在別人家里過夜的人, 徹夜作客。)

  12、Lily: Home by 1:00、 Bonus points for 12:45、 莉莉:最晚1點回家,12: 45到家有獎勵。(bonus points: 獎金,獎勵 bonus points即獎勵積分,這樣的表達比“I hope you can be home by 12:45”更有意思。)

  13、Even Im impressed、 連我都被感動了。(be impressed;受感動,留下印象)

  14、All right, people、 Whos ready for a game of "truth or dare"? 好了,各位,誰要玩“真心話大冒險”的?(Truth;真實,真相;dare;挑戰;truth or dare;真心話大冒險。)

  15、or will her goody two-shoes mind-set turn into the nights biggest buzz kill? 還是她做回“乖乖女”,成為當晚最煞風景的人?(goody two-shoes:天真爛漫,假正經,在文中指乖乖女; mind-set:心態;buzz:嗡嗡聲;buzz kill暗指煞風景)

  16、My whole adult life has been about you、 And now Im the one thats screwed up、 I guess I was a late bloomer、 我的大半個人生都給了你,但現在把事情搞砸的人卻是我,我想我犯了個遲到的錯誤。(Adult life: 成年后的生活,相對于childhood而言Screw up: 弄糟;毀壞Bloom動詞,開花 bloomer:錯誤;大錯,例:He made a tremendous bloomer、 他犯了個大錯。)

  17、Well, I suppose as I leave my teens, that I should start to think about my legacy、好吧,既然這是我即將告別青少年的時刻,我也該為我的青春留下點紀念。(Teens:13至19歲的年齡;十幾歲: be in ones teens 十幾歲 例如: She is not yet out of her teens=She is under 20、 她還不到20歲。Legacy: 遺贈產;遺贈的財物,此處作比喻過去遺留下來的東西。)

  《緋聞女孩》的經典臺詞 2

  01、Everything old can be new again.


  02、Sometimes you have to let things go,so theres room for better things to come into your life.


  03、Sometime fate throws two lovers together, only to rip them apart.


  04、If two people are meant to be together, eventually theyll find their way back.


  05、One may be the loneliest number... But sometimes only the lonely can play.

  一或許是最孤獨的數字... 但是,有時候只有孤獨的人才玩得起。

  06、One thing about being on top of the world-- it gives you a long, long way to fall.


  07、The people you know best are the ones most capable of surprising you.


  08、Theres a weak link in every chain, and it’s just a matter of time before this one snaps.


  09、They say Rome wasnt built in a day And yet what a difference a day makes.

  有人說羅馬不是一天建成的 但一天卻能改變許多事。

  10、You never know when a hand on the hip can lead to a knife in the back.


  11、Sticks and stones may break bones, but a poison pen is the best revenge.


  12、Another way the truth comes out when you dont even mean it to... Or when, without saying a word, its still loud and clear. But the worst thing the truth can do is when you finally tell it , it doesnt set you free, but locks you away forever.


  13、The problem with fairy tales is that they set a girl up for disappointment. In real life, the prince goes off with the wrong princess. Or the spell wears off and two lovers realize they are better off as... Well , whatever they are.











