英文合同 篇1
NO.:BS08125 DATE: NOV.6,20xx
This Contract is made by and between the Buyer and Seller, whereby the Buyer agree to buy and the Seller agree to sell the under-mentioned commodity according to the terms and conditions stipulated below:
PACKING:20 pieces of Baby Blankets are packed in one export standard carton, solid color and size in the same carton. 包裝:20條童毯被裝進一項輸出品標準硬紙盒、一樣顏色和尺寸的裝在相同的硬紙盒。
MARKS: Shipping mark includes STAR ,S/C No. ,style No. , port of destination and carton No. 嘜頭:運輸嘜頭包括STAR(公司名)、合同(sales contract)號碼,款式號碼,目的港和紙箱號碼
Side mark must show the color, the size of carton and pieces per carton.
Within 60 days upon receipt of the L/C which accord with relevant clauses of this Contract.收到符合合同的信用證,六十天內
裝運港 目的港
Transshipment is allowed and partial shipment is prohibited.
INSURANCE: To be effected by the Seller for 110% of invoice value covering All Risks and War Risks as per CIC of PICC dated 01/01/1981.保險:賣方按合同金額的110% 投保 包含的一切險和戰爭險依照1981年的 PICC 規則的 CIC 條約。
TERMS OF PAYMENT: By irrevocable Letter of Credit at 60 days after sight, reaching the Seller not later than Nov.30, 20xx and remaining valid for negotiation in China for further 15 days after the affected shipment. In case of late arrival of the L/C, the Seller shall not be liable for any delay in shipment and shall have the right to rescind the contract and /or claim for damages.付款期限:不可撤銷信用證,見票后60天付款.賣方收到信用證不得晚于08年11月30號。償付通知議付在中國 裝船后15天內提交單據,如果信用證遲到,賣方將不負責裝船中的任何延遲而且將有權利廢止合同和│或損害要求(賠償)。
+Signed invoice in triplicate, one original of which should be certified by Chamber of Commerce or CCPIT and legalized by UAE embassy/consulate in seller’s country.
+簽署的單據一式三份,一份正本應該被商會或 CCPIT (貿促會)檢定而且在賣方的國家被阿拉伯聯合大公國大使館│領事法律上認為正當。
+Full set (3/3) of clean on board ocean bill of lading marked “freight prepaid” made out to order blank endorsed notifying the applicant.
+全套 (3|3) 清潔海運提單 標記" 船貨預付 " 空白抬頭提單通知申請人。 +Insurance policy in duplicate endorsed in blank.
+Packing list in triplicate.
+Certificate of origin certified by Chamber of Commerce or CCPIT and legal
ized by UAE embassy/consulate in seller’s country.
+被商會或 CCPIT(貿促會) 檢定的原產地證明書而且在賣方的國家根據阿拉伯聯合大公國大使館│領事法律上認為正當。
INSPECTION: The certificate of quality issued by the China Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau shall be taken as the basis of delivery.
CLAIMS: In case discrepancy on the quality or quantity of the goods is found by the Buyer, after arrival of the goods at the port of destination, the Buyer may, within 30 days and 15 days respectively after arrival of the goods at the port of destination, lodge with the Seller a claim which should be supported by an Inspection Certificate issued by a public surveyor approved by the Seller. The Seller shall, on the merits of the claim, either make good the loss sustained by the Buyer or reject their claim, it being agreed that the seller shall not be held responsible for any loss or losses due to natural cause failing within the responsibility of Ship owners of the Underwriters. The Seller shall reply to the Buyer within 30 days after receipt of the claim.
索賠:買方發現貨物在質量和數量上有差異,貨物到達目的港后,買主可以,在30 天到15 天之內,在貨物抵達后在目地港,向賣方提出要求,要求應該被一份被賣方核準的公眾的檢查官發行的檢驗證書支援。賣方,在在賠償要求中,要么承受買方損失 要么拒絕索賠,經雙方同意,賣方將不承擔任何損失 或者 損失是由自然原因將或由船方造成的損失 賣方應在30天內答復買方。
LATE DELIVERY AND PENALTY: In case of late deliver, the Buyer shall have the right to cancel this contact, reject the goods and lodge a claim against the Seller. Except for Force Majeure, if late delivery occurs, the Seller must pay a penalty, and the Buyer shall have the right to lodge a claim against the Seller. The rate of penalty is charged at 0.5% for every 7 days, odd days less than 7 days should be counted by the paying bank or the Buyer from the payment.
遲期交貨及刑罰:以防遲到的傳遞,需方有權取消這個合同,拒絕接受貨物和向賣方提出索賠。除不可抗力,如果遲期交貨時,賣方必須支付違約金,買方有權向賣方提出索賠。罰金是0.5%,每7天,天數不到7天應安7天算 由銀行付款銀行或由買方的貨款中扣除。
FORCE MAJEURE: The Seller shall not held responsible if they, owing to Force Majeure cause or causes, fail to make delivery within the time stipulated in the Contract or cannot deliver he goods. However, in such a case, the Seller shall inform the Buyer immediately by cable and if it is requested by the Buyer, the Seller shall also deliver to the Buyer by registered letter, a certificate attesting the existence of such a cause or causes.
ARBITRATION: All disputes in connection with this contract or the execution thereof shall be settled amicably by negotiation. In case no settlement can be reached, the case shall then be submitted to the China International Economic Trade Arbitration Commission for settlement by arbitration in arbitration in accordance with the Commission’s arbitration rules. The award rendered by me commission shall be final and binding on both parties. The fees for arbitration shall be borne by the losing
party unless otherwise awarded.
This contract is made in four original copies and becomes valid after signature, two copies to be held by each party.
Signed by:
英文合同 篇2
年 (征求意見稿) 中國棉花協會制定 ,替代20xx年5月版本)
(20xx 月起生效
合同編號: 日期: 買方: 賣方: 地址: 地址: 電話: 電話: 傳真: 傳真: 電子郵件:電子郵件:
代理(買方):代理(賣方): 地址: 地址: 電話: 電話: 傳真: 傳真: 電子郵件: 電子郵件:
1 商品
產 地:
類 別: ?細絨棉?長絨棉
加工方式: ?鋸齒棉?皮輥棉
2 品質/規格
級別:? USDA通用棉花標準
? 憑小樣(小樣型號)
? 其它
長度: (英寸,毫米)
馬克隆值: NCL
斷裂比強度值: 最小值 GPT(克/特克斯)
3 重量
(1)凈重: (? 噸,? 磅), 其中:1噸=2204.6磅
(3)溢短裝率: (默認值為3%)
4 價格
單價:(美分/磅 ),總價:(美元)
5 付款
?信用證 ? 憑單托收 ? 其它
6 裝運/交貨
7 品質、重量檢驗
9 仲裁
? 國際棉花協會[ICA];
? 其它仲裁機構 ;
按照申請仲裁時該仲裁機構現行有效的仲裁規則進行仲裁。 10 其它約定
買方簽字: 賣方簽字: 日 期: 日 期:
(20xx年 月起生效)
1 定義
? CIQ:中國出入境檢驗檢疫機構。
? USDA:美國農業部。
? ICE:紐約洲際交易所。
? NCL:不允許超出控制界限。
? 通知:指采用電報、信函、傳真、電子郵件等方式告知對方。 ? P級:指以USDA通用標準為依據,位于上下相鄰品級之間的1/2級,即:SMP位于GM和SM級之間,MP位于SM和M之間,依次類推。
? 問題棉包:指霉變、水漬、油污和火燒的棉包;或者混有非棉物質、棉短絨、廢棉、危害性雜物的棉包;或者含有一定數量不同品級、不同長度或不同顏色類型棉花的棉包。 ? 到岸重量:指貨到目的地后,由CIQ檢驗確定的落地重量。 ? 溢短裝率:指發票重量與合同重量的差異部分占合同重量的百分率。
? 回潮率:指棉纖維中所含水份的重量,占其纖維完全干燥時重量的百分比。
? 國際通用貨包:指根據國際標準化組織制定的ISO8115的規
英文合同 篇3
反稀釋條款 The Conversion Price shall be adjusted on a full-ratchet basis for issuance of any securities of the Company at a purchase price less than the then-effective conversion price. Additionally, the Conversion Price shall be proportionally adjusted for share splits, share dividends, recapitalizations and the like.
Protective Provisions
保護性條款 The consent of 75% of the CN holders will be required for any of the following actions of the Company and its subsidiaries:
1) Amendment to the Memorandum of Articles of Association
2) Make any material change in the nature of its business
3) Merger, consolidation, reorganization, liquidation, dissolution, or winding-up
4) Acquire, grant an operating right in relation to or otherwise dispose of any shares or securities or material part of its business or assets (excluding current assets)
5) Sell, mortgage, pledge, lease, transfer or otherwise dispose of a substantial portion of assets 重大資產的出售、抵押、擔保、租賃、轉讓或處置
6) Issuance of equity or debt securities, repurchase or redemption of any equity security: re-classification of issued securities; increases, decreases or alters the existing issued share capital 股權或債權證券的發行,任何股權證券的贖回,已發行證券的重新分類,現有股本的增加、減少或改變
7) Declaration or payment of dividends
8) Enter into any joint venture, partnership or consortium arrangement
9) Termination, or material amendment to the terms of stock option plan including number of options, vesting period, and exercise price of options
10) Any loans to any director, officer or employee
11) Any related party transaction outside the ordinary course of business
12) Incurrence of any external borrowing by the Company which exceeds US$ [ ], or a series of external borrowing by the Company which in the aggregate over any 12 month period exceed US$ [ ].
公司超過[ ]美元的任何外部借貸,或12個月內累計超過[ ]美元的一系列外部借貸的發生
13) Change the terms of employment of any employee whose base salary is in excess of US$50,000 per annum
14) Hire or dismiss key management staff
15) Enter into any contract or arrangement which involves a consideration or payment exceeding US$[ ] to be made within any one year
任何1年內須支付對價超過[ ]美元的合同或安排的達成
16) Change of the Auditors or any material change in accounting practices or policies
17) Select the listing exchange or the underwriters for an IPO or approve the valuation and terms and conditions for the IPO, whether or not the IPO is a Qualified IPO
18) Annual budget including capital expenditure.
Undertakings by Founders
創始人股東保證 The Founders undertakes with the Investors that, at all times after the Closing Date, they will not sell or transfer any of their shares prior to the completion of a Qualified IPO, unless the prior written consent is obtained from the Investors.
Pre-emptive Rights
優先購買權 The Investors shall have a pro-rata right, based on their percentage equity ownership on a as-if converted basis, to participate in any subsequent equity financing of the Company on the same price and terms and conditions as the Company proposes to offer such new securities. The Investors will have a right to subscribe any portion of the new issue that is not subscribed by the existing shareholders.
Right of First Refusal, and Co-Sale Rights
優先受讓權和共同出售權 The Investors shall have first refusal rights and co-sale rights whereby any holder of Ordinary Shares who proposed to sell all or a portion of his shares to a third party must first permit the investors at their option (i) to purchase such shares on the same terms as the proposed transferee, or (ii) sell a proportionate part of their shares on the same terms offered by the proposed transferee. Such rights of first refusal and co-sale rights would terminate upon the closing of a Qualified IPO.
投資人享有優先受讓權和共同銷售權,任何欲向第三方出售全部或部分股份的普通股股東須首先允許投資人 (i) 以與擬受讓人同等條款購買該股份,或 (ii) 以同等條款按比例向擬受讓人出售股份。合格IPO完成后,該優先受讓權和共同出售權即終止。
Information Rights
信息獲取權 The Company shall provide to all Investors:
1) audited consolidated profit and loss accounts, balance sheets and statements of cash flow of the Company within three (3) months after the end of each financial year;
2) monthly management accounts of the Company and individual company standard accounts for each entity within the Company, to be provided within 15 business days after each month end; 每月度結束后15個工作日內提供公司月度管理報表及公司內每一主體單獨的標準報表;
3) quarterly consolidated management accounts within 30 days after each quarter end;
4) annual budgets and forecasts not less than 30 days prior to the commencement of each financial year;
5) all other information which Investors may reasonably require within 7 days of the Company’s receipt of a notice requesting such information, or a clear demonstration of best efforts if more than 7 days are required;
6) full details of any progress in relation to any IPO of all or part of the business as soon as practicable;
7) access to books and records, the facilities, properties, management, employees, and accounting and legal advisors of the Company at any reasonable time after reasonable prior notice by Investors;
8) prompt notification of any withdrawal of bank facilities of the Company, and the Company’s best efforts to restore adequate banking facilities;
9) prompt notification of any material litigation or any circumstances that would likely give rise to material litigation; and
10) prior notification of any change in the equity percentages of any subsidiary or affiliate, or any joint venture to which the Company is a party.
All financial statements shall be prepared to Investors in English and prepared in accordance with IAS.
These information rights shall terminate upon the IPO of the Company.
Registration Rights
注冊權 1) Demand, S-3, F-3 or Equivalent, and Piggyback Rights: The specific terms of registration rights would include at least the following: (i) starting three years after the Closing Date, the holders of 50% of the outstanding CN may request a Form F-1 registration statement to be filed; (ii) starting one year after the IPO, two (2) demand registrations upon request of holders of 50% of the outstanding CN on Form S-3 or F-3 or equivalent if listed on a non-US stock exchange; (iii) unlimited piggyback registrations in connection with registrations of shares for the account of the Company or selling shareholders exercising demand rights; and (iv) cut-back provisions providing that registrations must include at least 25% of the shares requested to be included by the holders of registrable securities and employees, directors, etc. must be cut back before the holders of registrable securities would be cut back.
要求注冊、按S-3、F-3(或相當的表格)注冊和附帶注冊權:注冊權的特定條款至少包括如下內容:(i) 本次融資完成3年后,持有50%已發行可轉換債券的股東有權要求公司向美國SEC提交F-1注冊申請; (ii) IPO后1年內,持有50%已發行可轉換債券的股東有權向公司提出兩次按S-3、F-3(或相當的表格,若在美國之外的股票交易所掛牌)請求注冊; (iii) 次數不限的當公司或其他出售股票的股東注冊時的附帶注冊權或與其相當的權利;以及 (iv) 注冊削減條款:任何注冊削減條款應規定,所有注冊(除與IPO相關的注冊)應至少滿足原持有人要求注冊數的25%,且股東要求的注冊數被削減的前提是公司的董事、高管、員工、顧問和普通股股東要求的注冊數首先被削減。
2) Expenses: The Company would bear the registration expenses (excluding underwriting discounts and commissions but including all other expenses related to the registration) of all such demand, piggyback and S-3, F-3 or equivalent registration.
3) Transfer of Rights: The registration rights may be transferred.
4) Termination: The registration rights would terminate on the earlier date of: (1) five (5) years after the closing of this financing, or (2) when any holder can sell all of such holder’s shares in any three-month period without registration pursuant to Rule 144 under the 1934 Act.
權利的終止:注冊權在下述較早實現之日終止:(1) 本次融資完成5年后,或 (2) 任何股東可以依據美國1934年《證券交易法》第144條在任何3個月期內出售所有股份而不必登記之時。
排他性 The Investors will have the exclusive right to negotiate and complete the Investment for a period of eight weeks from the signing of this Term Sheet. During this Exclusive Period, neither the Company, nor the Founders, shall provide information, solicit or entertain proposals, or conduct any discussion or negotiation with any third party regarding the issuance of shares or other securities or instruments by the Company, or any other subsidiary or affiliate of the Company.
費用 The Company shall bear all costs and expenses reasonably incurred by the Investors in relation to the Investors’ investment contemplated under this Term Sheet including but not limited to the preparation, negotiation and execution of Transaction Documents and the legal, financial, commercial and technical due diligence undertaken by the Investors, up to a maximum limit of US$200,000.
In the event Completion does not take place, the Company and the Investors shall bear their own costs and expenses, provided that if the Company unilaterally decides not to proceed with Completion, the Company shall bear all costs and expenses reasonably incurred by or on behalf of the Investors in relation to the Investors’ intended investment under this Term Sheet including but not limited to the preparation and negotiation of the Transaction Documents and the due diligence undertaken by the Investors, up to a maximum limit of US$200,000.
保密性 The terms and conditions stipulated in this Term Sheet, including its existence, and the information about the Company shall be confidential information and shall not be disclosed to any third party unless required by applicable law or regulations of any stock exchange. This restriction does not apply to employees, legal counsels, accountants, and other professional advisors of the Company, the Founders, or the Investors, on a need-to-know basis.
Language of Performance
履行語言 All notices, communications, and proceedings relating to this Investment and the exercise or performance of the parties’ respective rights and duties will be in English.
終止 The CN and CN Holders’ rights hereunder terminate upon the closing of any Qualified IPO, except for any public offering or registration rights, which continue for the respective agreed periods. In the event of a Qualified IPO, the terms of the CNs and CNs will have to be disclosed in the offering document / prospectus and therefore the confidentiality clause can no longer be able to complied with.
英文合同 篇4
買方 The Buyer:
地址 Address
Tel: Fax:
賣方 The Seller:
地址: Address
Tel: Fax:
This Contract is made by and between the Buyers and Sellers, whereby the Buyers agree to buy and the Sellers agree to sell the under-mentioned commodity according to the terms and conditions stipulated below:
(1) 貨名及規格 Commodity & Specification
(2) 數量 Qty.
(3) 單價 Unit Price
(4) 總價Total Amount
(8) 到貨目的地:DESTINATION:
(9) 保險: INSURANCE:
All Risks and War Risk for 110% contract value to be covered by the Seller.
(10) 運輸方式:TERM OF SHIPMENT: 空運 By air
(11) 包裝:PACKING:
To be packed in new strong wooden case(s) suitable for long distance air/land transportation and well protected from dampness, moisture, shock, rust and rough handling. The Sellers shall be liable for any damage to the goods on account of improper packing and for any rust damage and break damage attributable to inadequate or improper protective measures taken by the Sellers, and in such case or cases any and all losses and / or expenses incurred in consequence thereof shall be borne by the Sellers. One full set of service and operation manuals concerned shall be enclosed in the case(s). The wood packaging the Seller used shall be fumigated and marked with “IPPC” on the surface of wood packaging.
On the surface of each package, the package number, measurements, gross weight, net weight, the lifting positions, such cautions as “THIS SIDE UP”, “HANDLE WITH CARE”,“KEEP AWAY FROM MOISTURE” and the following shipping mark:
100%的合同金額通過電匯支付。100% contract value by T/T.
The Buyer shall pay 100% advance payment to the Seller within two week after contract effected.
(14) 單據:Documents,
1. 正本空運單(收貨人聯),標明“運費已付”及嘜頭,買方為收貨人及通知方。
Original Airway Bill (copy for Consignee) marked “freight prepaid” and shipping mark, consign to and notify the Buyer.
2. 涵蓋100%合同金額的商業發票三正三副,注明合同號、嘜頭。
Commercial invoice covering 100% of contract amount in 3 originals and 3 copies, indicating contract number, shipping mark.
3. 裝箱單三正三副,注明毛、凈重、尺碼和所裝貨物的包裝形式及數量。
Detailed Packing List in 3 originals and 3 copies indicating both gross and net weights, measurements and packing condition and quantity of each item packed.
4. 賣方出具的質量及數量證書正本三份。
Certificate of quality and quantity issued by seller in 3 originals.
5. 賣方出具的原產地證書一正一副。
Certificate of origin in 1 original and 1 copy issued by Seller.
6. 貨物裝運后24小時內賣方發給買方裝運通知傳真復印件一份。
Copy of fax from seller to the buyer advising the particulars of shipment within 24 hours after shipment is made.
7. 保險單或保險證明一正一副,按照合同金額110%投保一切險及戰爭險。
Insurance Policy or Certificate for 110% contract value, covering All Risks and War Risk in 1 original and 1 copy.
8. 賣方聲明外包裝表面標有IPPC標識證書正本一份, 或賣方出具的非木質包裝證明正本
Seller’s Certificate in 1 original certifying IPPC has been marked on surface of the wooden cases / seller’s Certificate certifying no wood package is used in the shipment.
The Sellers shall fax to the Buyer the Readiness Notification one week before the goods to be shipped.
The Sellers shall, immediately upon the completion of the loading of the goods in 24 hours, send the Buyers Air Waybill, Invoice and Packing list by fax.
Losses shall be borne by the Sellers in case the Sellers don’t inform the Buyers of the above shipping status on time.
賣方保證訂貨系用最上等的材料和頭等工藝制成,全新的,未曾使用過的, 并完全符合本合同規定的質量、規格和性能。賣方并保證本合同訂貨在正確安裝、正常使用和維修的情況下,自安裝之日起十二個月或貨物裝運之日起十五個月內運轉良好,以先到期者為準。由于人為造成的、易損易磨件除外。
The Sellers shall guarantee that for a period of 12 months calculated from the date of installation or 15 months starting from the date of shipment, whichever is the earlier. Faults due to mal-operation as well as wear and tear parts are excluded.
Should the Sellers fail to make delivery on time as stipulated in the Contract, with the exception of Force Major causes specified in Clause 16 of this Contract, the Buyers shall agree to postpone the delivery on condition that the Sellers agree to pay a penalty which shall be deducted by the paying bank from the payment under negotiation. The penalty, however, shall not exceed 5% of the total value of the goods involved in the late delivery, the rate of penalty is charged at 0.5% for every seven days, odd days less than seven days should be counted as seven days. In case the Sellers fail to make delivery ten weeks later than the time of shipment stipulated in the Contract, the Buyers shall have the right to cancel the contract and the Sellers, in spite of the cancellation, shall still pay the aforesaid penalty to the Buyers without delay. The buyer shall have the right to lodge a claim against the seller for the losses sustained if any.
如發現貨物的品質、數量/重量與本合同不符, 買方有權在貨物到達目的地后60天內根據中華人民共和國出入境檢驗檢疫局出具的商檢證書向賣方提出索賠。由承運人和保險公司負責的賠償除外。
If the quality and/or quantity/weight be found not in conformity with the present contract, the Buyer shall be entitled to lodge claims with the Seller on the basis of the Certificate issued by China Exit and Entrance Inspection and Quarantine Bureau within 60 days after the goods arrival in the destination. With the exception, however, of those claims for which the carrier and/or insurance company are to be held responsible.
(19) 人力不可抗拒事故:FORCE MAJEURE:
The Sellers shall not be held responsible for any delay in delivery or non-delivery of the goods duo to Force Majeure. However, the Sellers shall advise the Buyers immediately of such occurrence and
within fourteen days thereafter, shall send by airmail to the buyers for their acceptance a certificate
issued by the competent government authorities of the place where accident occurs as evidence
thereof. Under such circumstances the Sellers, however, are still under the obligation to take all
necessary measures to hasten the delivery of the goods. In case the accident lasts for more than ten
weeks, the Buyers shall have the right to cancel this Contract.
All disputes arising from the execution of or in connection with this contract, shall be settled amicably through friendly negotiation. In case no settlement can be reached through negotiation the case shall then be submitted to China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission in Shanghai arbitration in accordance with The Rules of Arbitration of China International Economic & Trade Commission. The award rendered by the said commission shall be final and binding upon both parties.
(21)通知 NOTICE
All notice shall be written in Chinese or English and served to both parties by fax/courier according to the addresses shown in this contract. If any changes of the addresses occur, one party shall inform the other party of the change of address within 3 days after the change.
The present contract is in three copies of the same form, the buyer holds two; the seller holds one. The contract is signed by the authorized representative of both parties and shall become effective upon the formal and mutual signing and stamping of the contract.
買方: The Buyer: 賣方:The Seller:
英文合同 篇5
Contract NO._______
賣方:____ 中國___進出口公司___省分公司
Sellers: China National Metals &Minerals Import& Export corporation
The Buyers agree to buy and the Sellers agree to sell the following
good ontermsand conditions set for the below:
──────────────┬───────┬──────┬──────(1)貨物名稱及規格,包裝及│(2)數量 │(3)單價 │(4)總價裝運嘜頭 │ ││
Name or commodity and Speci- │Quantity│unit price │Total
Fications Packing and shipp- │ ││AmountIng Marks │ ││
──────────────┼───────┼──────┼──────(裝運數量允許有 %的增減)│ ││
(Shipment Quantity % more │ ││
Or less allowd │ ││
Time of Shipment:
Ports of Loading
Port of Destination:
Insurance: Covering Risks for____% of Invoice Value to be effected
By the
Terms of Payment :___憑保兌的,不可撤消的,可轉讓的,可分割的即期付款信用證,信用證以中
By confirmed irrevocable, transferable and divisible letter of credit
In favour of China National Metals &Minerals Import& Export Corporation
___Branch payable at sight allowing partial shipments and transhipment.
注意:開立信用證時,請在證內注明本售貨確認書號碼 China National Texties Import and
Export Corporation
IMPORTANT: When establishing L/C, please
Indicate the number of this Sales c ofrSHANTUNGBRANCH
Mation in the L/C.
買方(The Buyers):_____
賣方(The Sellers):_____
Please sign and return one copy for outfile.