1. vt.__________ 使……感到榮耀 11. n.___________ 開銷,花費
2. n._________ 目的,意圖 12. v.__________ 取來,去拿來
3. vi.________ 合作 13 n.__________ .職業,占有
4. n.________ 意識 _ 14 n.__________ 承諾,保證
5. n._________ 資金,基金 15 n.__________ 同事
6. adj._________ 緊急的,急迫的 16. adj._________ 空缺的
7. n._________ 貧窮,貧困 17 adj._________ 臨時的,暫時的
8. adj._________ 沮喪的,懊惱的 18. n.__________ 住所,藏身之處
9. n._________ (問題等的)方面 19. n.__________ 全體員工
10 adj.________ .寶貴的,珍貴的 20. n.__________ 障礙
1. operate v. 操作,運作,動手術
---------------n. 手術, 操作 -----n. 接線員
短語 perform an operation 動手術 come into operation 生效
vi. 1. 工作,作業;運轉,運行2. 起作用;發生影響3. 活動;行事4. 施加影響,產生理想效果,見效
1) 臺機器一直在不停地運轉。The machine ------------。
2) 藥力漸漸起了作用,那頭大象一頭跌倒在地上。------------ and the elephant fell down on the field.
3) 你的話對我起了激勵作用。---------- as an incitement on me.
4) 他在一家美國公司供職。He operated in an American company.
5) 這條航線每天都有班機飛行。The air line service is to operate daily.
6) 這藥很快就奏效了。The medicine operated quickly.
vt.1. 操作,操縱;控制;使用(機器等) 2. 辦理,經營;管理;實行 3. 引起(變化);產生(結果或影響) 4.【外科學】為…動手術,對…開刀
7) 操作使用計算機operate a computer
8) 機器用電開動。Machinery is operated by electricity
9) 經營幾家公司----------。
10) 實行一項新的經濟政策operate a new economic policy
11) 產生深遠的影響operate profound influence、
2. purpose n. 目的, 意圖
短語 for the purpose of ---- 為了----的目的
with the purpose of ---- 目的是----
-------- 故意的
achieve/accomplish/ fulfill a purpose 達到目的
n.1. 意圖;目的;意向2. 意志;決心,決斷3. (進行中的)行動;觀察的結果4. (討論中的)論題;(進行中的)行動5. 用途;效果;意義
近義詞: intend . intention .
3. awareness n. 意識
--------知道, 意識到
--------發覺, 注意到
raise / increase one’s awareness of
adj.1. [通常作表語]知道的,知曉的;意識到的,認識到的( of,that)2. (在某方面或某一領域)有知識的3. (在政治上)有覺悟的4. [口語]明智的,懂事的5. [古語]警覺的,警惕著的,機警的
1) 有生態意識的ecologically aware
2) 有環境意識的---------
近義詞: conscious .
be aware of become aware of environmentally aware
4. cooperate v. 合作
------ n. 合作,協作
------adj. 合作的, 協作的,同心協力的
. -------在某方面/某事上與某人合作
vi.1. 合作,協作;配合2. (協力)促成;共同起作用3. 進行經濟合作[亦作co-operate]
1) 讓我們通力合作使這項工作迅速完成。Let's all cooperate to get the work done quickly.
2) 各種不同環境共同促使他成為一個偉大的藝術家。Various circumstances cooperated to make him a great artist.
3) 很高興與你合作。--------------------。
4) .我原以為你會跟我合作呢。--------------------。
5. voluntary adj. 志愿的, 自愿的
------ n.志愿者, 志愿兵 v. 自愿
------ adv.自動地, 以自由意志地
短語 ----------自愿做某事
n.1. 志愿者,自愿參加者,志愿從事者2. [美國英語]志愿兵,義勇軍3. 義務工作者4. 【法律】自愿者
adj.1. 志愿的,自愿參加的2. 義務的,無償的3. 自愿者的;志愿兵的
vi. 自愿;自愿參加(常與for連用):
我問誰愿意幫助我,但沒有一個人愿意出來幫忙。I asked if anyone would help me,but _________。
As soon as war was declared,many men volunteered.一經宣戰,就有許多人自愿參軍。
她自愿在學校教書。She ____________________in the school.
她主動提供了一條有趣的新聞。She volunteered an interesting piece of news.
6. lack n.缺乏, 短缺的東西 vt.缺乏, 沒有, vi.缺乏, 沒有
短語 ______________因缺乏
be lacking in 缺少某物
lack nothing 應有盡有
1) 委員會對他的能力缺乏正確的評價。The committee lacked a correct estimate of his ability.
2) 我們要注意有些進口影片藝術性不夠強。We must note that some of the imported films lack artistic quality.
3) 這孩子似乎缺乏智力。The child____________________________________________________.
4) 資金不足,無法將這項工程進行下去。Capital _________________________________________..
5) 高考題 Though _______ money, his parents managed to send him to university.
A. lacked B. lacking of C. lacking D. lacked with
7. poverty n.貧窮, 貧困
______________adj.貧窮的, 可憐的, 乏味的
短語 ______________在----方面貧乏
________________ 處于貧困中
abject poverty一貧如洗,赤貧
Poverty is no sin.[諺語]貧非罪。
Poverty is not a shame, but being ashamed of it is.[諺語]貧非恥,恥貧乃恥。
Poverty makes (或acquaints men with) strange bedfellows.[諺語]同病相憐;難中不擇友。
8. collection
collect v
短語 _________________大量的郵票收藏
__________________ 收錢
collect oneself鎮定下來,使自己平心靜氣
vt.1. 使集合,使聚集2. 收集,收藏3. 回收;征收4. 使鎮定,鼓起(勇氣),打起(精神)5. 取,領取:
1) 您把全體學生召集到教室中好嗎? _______________________________________________?
2) 你為什么要收藏郵票? Why do you collect stamps?
3) 收賬collect a bill
4) 這就給懷特先生一個使思想集中起來的機會。This gave Mr White _________________________.
5) 先把它放在這里等回來再取好不好? What about _________________________on the way back?
vi.1. 聚集,集合:2. 積聚,積累:3. 收款,收賬:4. 收藏,采集:
6) 學生們聚集在大廳里。The pupils collected in the big hall.
7) 雨水積聚在排水道里。Rain water collected in the drainpipe.
8) 他收到了房屋損壞的賠款。He collected on the damage to his house.
9) 多年來他一直從事收藏工作。He has been collecting for years.
近義詞: gather .
9. frustrated adj. 沮喪的,懊惱的
__________v.挫敗, 阻撓, 使感到灰心, 阻止
__________ n.挫敗, 挫折, 受挫
短語 ___________在...方面歸于失敗
他因貧窮而灰心喪氣。 _______________________________________________.
10. comfort n.安慰, 舒適 vt.安慰
__________vt. 使不安, 使不舒適, 使不便
__________ adj. 不舒適的,不舒服的;不自在的,不安的
1) 他過得很舒服。_________________________________________.
2) 她母親的話使這個哭哭啼啼的女孩得到慰藉。Her mother's word comforted the sobbing girl.
3) 她把丈夫的兩只腳放在一桶熱水中使他舒服一些。She ____________ by putting his feet in a tub of hot water.
三. 鞏固(反饋)訓練
I. 單項填空
1. Farmers have to more workers during the harvest and even so, some of them usually after the harvest.
A. take on; break down B. take on; break up
C. take off; break down D. take off; break up
2. -We to have you here tonight.
-Thank you and it is for me to be invited.
A. honour; honourable B. honour; an honour
C. are honoured; honourable D. are honoured; an honour
3. Does it make any whether we leave at 9:00 or at 10:00?
A. difference B. time C. way D. sense
4. The lock in my bag me of not locking my closet.
A. recalled B. remembered C. reminded D. told
5. the occasional visit, what else does Alan do for his kids?
A. Except B. In spite of C. Apart from D. Beside
6. It was foolish of him to his notes during that important test, and as a result, he got punished.
A. refer to B. stick to C. come to D. turn to
7. Changes are being introduced to make the department .
A. operating quickly B. going quickly
C. operate more efficiently D. go more efficiently
8. Mr. Hughes’s agency is one of 980 community agencies of the National Community Action Foundation (NCAF) in Washington, D.C.
A. under the help B. under the charge C. under the umbrella D. under the aid
9. with a difficult situation, Arnold decided to ask his boss for advice.
A. Faced B. Having faced C. To face D. Facing
10. Now he is improving his English by of reading and listening to it a lot every day.
A. method B. approach C. way D. means
11. At assembly, our monitor made a speech, swearing to try our best to study well _____________ us students.
A. in memory of B. on behalf of C. in honor of D. in favor of
12. the help from his relatives, he does a part-time job to support his study at college.
A. Regardless of B. Instead of C. But for D. Apart from
13. the danger we have just escaped, I still feel frightened.
A. Dating back to B. Looking around C. Thinking back to D. Thinking over
14. A small cut in skin can without being treated.
A. cure B. heal C. cover D. repair
15. environmental damage is done, it will take many years for the ecosystem
to recover.
A. If only B. Even if C. While D. Once
16. I would be sitting in a comfortable office now if I more energies to my study instead of being crazy about going online at college.
A. devoted B. would have devoted C. were to devote D. had devoted
17. Without electronic computers, much of today’s advanced technology .
A. will not have been achieved B. have not been achieved
C. would not have been achieved D. had not been achieved
18. I were rich, I would go traveling around the world.
A. If only B. Even if C. What if D. Only if
19. He told me how he had given me shelter and protection, without which I of hunger.
A. would be died B. would have died C. would die D. will die
20. ---What do you think of the newly designed mobile phone?
---It ________well __________ its high price.
A. sells; except for B. sells; but
C. is sold; apart from D. is sold; besides
II. 用所給詞語的適當形式填空
1.add…to… 增加;加起來
add up 加算;合計
add up to 總計為,總數達
sum up 總而言之
1) ________ fertilizer to the soil will help the plants to grow more quickly.
2) When we ________ the receipts (收據) we realized we had spent too much.
3) The three angles of a triangle always __________180 degrees.
4) ___ 6 ____ 6 and you get 12.
5) ___________, a good student develops in an all-round way.
2. Phrases of “take”
After graduation, he _______________ (從事) the work of environmental preservation. In the first five years, he _____________(不怕麻煩,費力)to do the research related to water conservation, which ______(占據) much of his time. Now he is busy traveling around the country to give speeches, in which he calls on us to ______________(充分利用)solar energy. He always ____________(感到驕傲) his work ; he believes that if everyone _________(采取行動), our environment would be much cleaner.
III. 同義句轉換。
1. It's lack of confidence, not lack of ability, that makes most people fail.
= ___________confidence makes people fail.
2. Apart from his earnings as a football coach, he also owns
and runs a chain of sports shops.
=______ _______ ________ his earnings as a football coach, he also owns
and runs a chain of sports shops.
3. Apart from the ending, it's a really good film.
=______ _______ the ending, it's a really good film.
IV. 翻譯下列句子。
1.沒有人想要接受這個挑戰,太危險了。(It is….adj….)
2.他幫助我們建立了新公司。(assist sb in… ,set up )
3.可以從秘書辦公室拿到票。(available )
4.如果你參觀教堂,我建議你坐地鐵去。(recommend doing)
5.通往那個村莊的唯一途徑就是坐小船去。(access to)
6.醫療隊建立了一座臨時康復中心來照料傷員。(set up)
7.運動能對你的身體狀況起很大作用。(make a big difference)
8.正是墻上的照片使我想起我在海邊度過的童年時代。(remind sb of)
1.The UN is an international group _______ _______ ________(由……組成) countries that want to increase peace.
2. I feel much honored to have been able to _____ ______ ______ ______(擔當這一角色).
3. The organization______ _______ ________ (參與)peacekeeping operations to help end some of the world’s most horrible conflicts.
4. One of the goals is _____ _____ _____ ______ _____ ______ _____ _____ _____ ____ .(保證每個人都能享受到新鮮的飲用水)
5.For more information, you may like to_____ it ______ (瀏覽)on the UN website.
6.A Goodwill Ambassador can also _____ people_____ _____(使……意識到) how they can help people ______ ______.(需要)
7. It is clear that UNICEF would not be so popular _____ ______ ______ ______ _______ ____ _____ ______. (如果沒為孩子們做這么多事)
8.The hospital is ____ _____(受到嚴重破壞)and ____ _____ _____(一片混亂).
9. There is mud and water everywhere, _____ _____ ______ _____ ____ _____ ______ _____ ______(讓此地到彼地的行程變得很困難).
10. We need to bury the dead bodies ____ ______ ______ ______ _______ _______ _____
一. 單詞檢測
1.使……感到榮耀 vt.__________ 11.開銷,花費 n.___________
2.目的,意圖 n._________ 12.取來,去拿來 v.__________
3.合作 vi.________ 13.職業,占有 n.__________
4.意識 n._________ 14.承諾,保證 n.__________
5.資金,基金 n._________ 15.同事 n.__________
6.緊急的,急迫的adj._________ 16.空缺的 adj._________
7.貧窮,貧困 n._________ 17.臨時的,暫時的adj._________
8.沮喪的,懊惱的adj._________ 18.住所,藏身之處 n.__________
9.(問題等的)方面 n._________ 19.全體員工 n.__________
10.寶貴的,珍貴的adj.________ 20.障礙 n.__________
二. 用法講練:
1. 區別break burst crush smash并用其正確形式填空或翻譯:
break 指“物體部分或整個碎裂、折斷或毀壞”, 如:
If you _______that vase you'll have to pay for it.
假如你打碎那花瓶, 你得賠償。
burst 指“由于內部壓力而猛然破裂”, 多用作不及物動詞, 如:
He watched the bombs _______in air.
他看 見炸彈在空中爆炸。
crush 指“外部巨大的壓力造成物體壓碎或壓變形”, 如:
Eggs crush easily. 雞蛋容易壓碎。
smash 指“沉重的打擊使某物完全成為碎片”, 如:
They ________the enemy's defences.
2. escape, flee和run away 都作“逃跑”。
run away只表示逃跑的功作,有時可和escape換用,表示獸類逃跑通常用run away.
The hotel guests tried their best to ______ _____ the burning building.
He was to ____ his native village to join the rebel army.
3. check, examine
check, examine這兩個詞都可以表示“檢查”, 但check 另含有“校對”或“找錯”的意思。而examine 另含有“察看或觀察以了解情況”的意思。
we _______the health of the babies to make sure they were putting on weight.
4. especially和specially
especially: adv. very much; particularly;尤其,特別。specially adv. for a particular reason:特意,專門
I love the country, especially in spring.
She's not especially interested in sport.
I came here specially to see you
I made it specially for your birthday.
It’s always difficult being in a foreign country, ___________ if you don’t speak the language.
A. extremely B. naturally
C. basically D. especially
II. 用括號內所給詞的適當形式填空
1. I tried__________(comfort) her by telling her that everything would be all right.
2. As you know, blood begins to settle in the lowest part of the body as soon as the heart stops _________(pump) it around.
3. We've seen dozens of marriages failed and families ________(heal) here at the center.
4. Am I supposed _______(fetch) and carry the handbag for him all day?
5. The land ____________(farm) organically since 1995.
6. Many German scientists, including Albert Einstein,_______(flee) to America at the beginning of World War II.
7. Mike was sitting outside, ________(draw) a picture of the trees at the bottom of the garden.
8. Barry never lets anyone _________(touch) the piano.
9. I had been warning Matilda, _________(remind) her that she could injure herself using the knife this way.
10. They stood _______(face) each other for a few minutes.
III. 單項填空
1. The film ___________ the true story of his Red Army general, attracted people’s interest all over the country.
A. is based on B. is on the base of
C. which is based for D. based upon
2. ___________ the fog, we should have reached our school.
A. Because of B. In spite of C. In case of D. But for
3. I can hardly imagine Peter ___________ across the Atlantic Ocean in five days.
A. sail B. to sail C. sailing D. to have sailed
4. I shall never forget those years __________ I lived in the country with the farmers, ________ has a great effect on my life.
A. that; which B. when; which C. which; that D. when; who
5. He studied hard, __________ the exam.
A. aim at B. aiming at passing C. aiming passing D. aiming to passing
6. I insisted __________ to see a doctor, but he insisted nothing __________ wrong with him.
A. on him to go; should be B. he went; be
C. he go; was D. he should go; is
7. Lily would rather I _________ her at the airport yesterday, but I was then busy with a meeting.
A. would meet B. met C. had met D. have met
8. Eliza remembers everything exactly as if it _________ yesterday.
A. was happening B. happens C. has happened D. happened
9. In the meantime, the question facing business is whether such research is _________ the costs.
A. worth B. worth of C. worthy D. worthwhile
10. Stress can be extremely damaging to your health. Exercise, __________, can reduce its effects.
A. at the same time B. while C. though D. meanwhile
11. ___________ in experience, she didn’t manage to pass the interview.
A. Lack B. Lack of C. For lack of D. Lacking
12. He is going into hospital to have a small __________ her knee.
A. operate on B. operation for C. operation to D. operation on
13. If you want to visit the museum, I recommend ___________ there by underground.
A. you to go B. going C. you went D. to going
14. __________ I explained on the phone, your request will be considered at the next meeting.
A. When B. After C. As D. Since
15.The manager of the company told us that very little _________ was made of the waste material in the past.
A. cost B. value C. use D. matter
16. The noise of the train __________ in the dark night.
A. died out B. died from C. died away D. died off
17. Tigers __________ meet-eating animals _________ meats.
A. belonged to; feed on B. belonging to; feed on
C. were belonged to; feed on D. belonging to; feeding on
18. His failure in the plan made him aware __________ he had made a great mistake in working out the plan.
A. of that B. of C. that D. that of
19. It was not until she got home __________ Jennifer realized she had lost her keys.
A. when B. that C. where D. before
20. --- Don’t you think it necessary that he __________ to Miami but to New York?
--- I agree, but the problem is __________ he has refused to.
A. will not be sent; that B. not be sent; that
C. should not be sent; what D. should not send; what
21.-We to have you here tonight.
-Thank you and it is for me to be invited.
A. honour; honourable
B. honour; an honour
C. are honoured; honourable
D. are honoured; an honour
22. At assembly, our monitor made a speech, swearing to
try our best to study well us students.
A. in memory of B. on behalf of
C. in honor of D. in favor of
23. -Do you really want to go out?
-It may rain. , I shall go out; I don’t mind the
A. Anyway B. Otherwise
C. Somehow D. Somewhat
24. They take little interest in a far from their homes and from their everyday problems.
A. debate; far B. conflict; remote
C. fight; distant D. discussion; away
25. The picture of the violence on the black boy stirred(觸動)the public .
A. awareness B. conscience
C. attention D. expectation
26. The lock in my bag me of not locking my closet.
A. recalled B. remembered
C. reminded D. told
27. It’s sparing yourself some time to do physical exercise under such considerable learning pressure.
A. very worth B. well worthy of
C. well worth D. much worth
28. _______I were rich, I would go traveling around the world.
A. If only B. Even if C. What if D. Only if
29. the occasional visit, what else does Alan do for his kids?
A. Except B. In spite of
C. Apart from D. Beside
30. If the poor man hadn’t managed to the attention of the public for help, he would be dead now.
A. carry B. focus C. draw D. pay
31. It was foolish of him to his notes during that important test, and as a result, he got punished.
A. refer to B. stick to
C. come to D. turn to
32. the danger we have just escaped, I still feel frightened.
A. Dating back to B. Looking around
C. Thinking back to D. Thinking over
33. They swear they will push ahead with the experiment whatever __________they might meet with.
A. disadvantages B. shortcomings
C. troubles D. hardships
34. He told me how he had given me shelter and protection, without which I of hunger.
A. would be died B. would have died
C. would die D. will die
35. A small cut in skin can without being treated.
A. cure B. heal C. cover D. repair
IV. 補全或翻譯下列句子。
1.If everyone in the country _____ first aid, many lives ______ ________ __________.
2. _____ ______ ________ there, I should have jhelped her.
3.If I ______ ______ to him before, I _______ _________ what to do now.
4.Without electricity, human life ______ _______ quite different now.
5.If it ______ ______ ______ tommorrow, they _______ ______ for an outing.
6.If you _______ ______ the doctor’s advice last week, you _______ ______ better today.
7. But for the correct leadership of the Party, we ______ _____ _______ ______ so much progress.要不是黨的正確領導, 我們就不會取得這么大的進步。
8.______ there be an earthquake tomorrow, what _____we_______?
V. 課文單詞填空:(每空一詞)
Tang Ning gave a great speech on TV yesterday about her work as a Goodwill Ambassador for the UN. She is a successful businesswoman who feels ____①____ to work for the UN. She started by explaining that the UN is an _____②______ group made up of 191 countries. It has a charter which sets out its main ____③____. One of the jobs of the Un is to protect human rights and improve ___④____ on behalf of people who need help. The UN helps with many problems such as wars, earthquake, typhoons, and____⑤____. There seems to be many victims of natural ____⑥______ as well as civilian victims of wars and conflicts around the world. People like Tang Ning visit UN projects and _____⑦_____ people working in remote places. One of the aims of the UN is to make sure that fresh ______⑧________ is accessible to everyone by 2015.
get hold of, focus on, remind… of , in chaos, be involved in , break down, on behalf of
concentrate on, take on, under the umbrella of
1 The house was ________after the party. It took Tom three days to clean it up.
2. It is important not to ______ the past,. We also have to live in the present and look to the future.
3. It is also impossible to________ a ticket for tonight’s concert. It sold out three days ago.
4. The smell of freshly-baked bread always ________ me _______my days in France.
5. He _______ no longer ______ the work here because he has retired
6. I’d like to,_______ the general manager, thank you for all your support to our company.
7.If you want to achieve high grades in your exams, you must ______what the teacher say in class.
8. His good education abroad enables him to _______ that position.
9. The small island was _____Britain before it gained its independence in1970.
10. If your bike ________ on the way to the village, can you repair it by yourself?
2. end up take up use up pick up look up
give up stay up make up put up
1. They are busy __________a new display wall in order to get all the posters put up.
2. She ___________ all the hot water and you have to come after supper.
3. We _________all night, chatting.
4. The survivors _______________ by fishing boats from nearby villages.
5. We __________ having to postpone our vacation on account of the bad weather.
6. Just now, the teacher _________ the lesson where he left off yesterday.
7. You may _______ more information on the UN website.
8. I don't mind __________a couple of hours a week to work for the city library.
9. We need two more players to _________ the team.
“I am in and I am in to win,” said Hillary Rodham Clinton, New York State senator and wife of former US President Bill Clinton, when she announced her bid to be the first female president in American history on January 20. Ms . Clinton, 59, formally stated in a video posted on her personal website that she was preparing to run in the 2008 US presidential election.
On January 16-four days before Ms. Clinton came forward as a presidential candidate -45-year-old African American senator Barack Obama made it clear he had the same dream. He has decided to form his presidential campaign exploratory committee. “As Americans, we must change our political situation,” he said.
If he succeeds in the 2008 presidential election, Obama will be the first black president in the history of America.
Although it is still too early to draw conclusions about the 2008 US presidential election, it is widely believed that there is no dark horse, and that either Ms. Clinton or Obama will win.
Ms. Clinton’s unparalleled prestige and popularity is her greatest advantage. Nearly everyone knows her in the United States. In fact, her popularity has actually grown since her husband, Bill Clinton, concluded his two terms in office. In recent years Ms. Hillary Clinton has become the hottest female politician in the US political arena.
Hillary’s second advantage is that she has one of the best political advisors in the country at her side-her husband. Bill Clinton, 60, still has the outstanding personal charm that helped him win office in 1992 and remains very popular. Many Americans value the memory of the good times in the Clinton age. This will undoubtedly be of benefit to Ms. Clinton.
Ms. Clinton’s third “secret weapon” is her outstanding ability to raise money. Former Speaker of the House, Republican Newt Gingrich, once said that Hillary could raise more money than any other Democrat, and that this amount could probably exceed the total raised by other Democratic candidates.
Obama’s major advantage is that he is young, energetic and charming. Obama is quite unlike the traditional politicians in Washington DC. Both media and the public have lavished (大量地給予) praise on him, reminding people of the years of Bill Clinton or even the Kennedy brothers. This is the so-called “Obama phenomenon”. Secondly, Obama is currently the only black senator in the United States Congress, and just the fifth black senator in US history. His father came to the US as a student from Kenya, which will make him popular with African American voters. Thirdly, Obama is an outstanding example of someone who is living the American dream. He was born into a common family and rose from the bottom of the society. He often claims to be the “poorest person in the Senate”. The common people find this very inspiring. Fourthly, unlike Hillary, Obama has taken a firm attitude against the Iraq war. This will help him to win the anti-war vote.
No matter who wins the election, Ms. Clinton or Obama, Americans will face an interesting question-a female president or a black president? Either one would be a new record.
1.People may choose Obama mainly because .
A.he is not so old and full of energy and charm
B.he is the only black senator in the United States Congress
C.he is the “poorest person in the Senate”
D.he is popular with African American voters
2.What does the underlined word “this” refer to in Paragraph 8?
A.Being an American dreamer.
B.Being born into a common family.
C.Rising from the bottom of the society.
D.A firm attitude against the Iraq war.
3.It can be inferred from the text that .
A.Hillary is more likely to win the election
B.Obama has greater advantages over Hillary
C.Hillary takes a firm attitude against the Iraq war
D.Obama will pull the US troops out of Iraq if he takes office
4.Which could be the best title for this passage?
A.US presidential elections
B.First female president or first black president?
C.”I’m in and I am to win”
D.A mew record in American history
1.出毛病;失常 _____________
2.談到;涉及;指 _____________
3.由-----組成 _____________
4.榮幸地做某事 _____________
5.接受;雇用 ____________
6.以……為基礎 _____________
7.建立友好的關系 _____________
8. 涉及……的 _____________
9.另外…… _____________
11.把……加到…… _____________
12.教育的匱乏 _____________
13.同意做某事 _____________
14.代表……;為了…… ____________
15.發展中的國家 _____________
16.工作條件 _____________
17.但愿 …… _____________
19.缺乏…… _____________
20.勸告做某事 _____________
21.關心…… _____________
22.捷徑,門路 _____________
23.使某人想起 _____________
24.……的收藏 _____________
25.特殊任務戰士 _____________
26. ……的缺少 _____________
27.貧窮的生活 _____________
28.自來水 _____________
29.親善大使 _____________
31.一筆錢 _____________
32.在……的保護下 _____________
33.飲用水 _____________
35.初等教育 _____________
37. 維和行動 _____________
38.來自于世界各地 _____________
39.生活標準 _____________
40.工作條件 _____________
41.次序顛倒 _____________
42.混亂 _____________
43.增重 _____________
44.從……到……地方 _____________
45.……的限制 _____________
46.回想 _____________
1、 break 常用短語:
break away vt./vi. 斷掉;拆除;剪掉;與。。。斷絕關 系(from)
break in vi. 強行闖入;打岔
break into vt. 闖入,進入
break off vt. 折斷,拆掉;vi. 停止說話,稍事休息
break out vi. 突然發生, 爆發
break through vt./vi. 突破(障礙)
break up vt./vi. 擊碎,拆散; 結束;終止; (與)人分
He grabbed her, but she managed to break away.
The burglars broke in through the kitchen window.
My car's been broken into twice this month.
As she was talking, he suddenly broke in, saying, "That's a lie".
War broke out in 1914.
Fighting has broken out all over the city.
He broke off a piece of chocolate.
She broke off in the middle of a sentence.
Protesters broke through the barriers.
She's just broken up with her boyfriend.
We broke up for the holidays in June.
1. News reports say peace talks between the two countries _________ with no agreement reached.
A. have broken down B. have broken out
C. have broken in D. have broken up
2. The computer system suddenly_______ while he was searching for information on the Internet.
A.broke down B.broke out
C.broke up D.broke
3. I was still sleeping when the fire , and then it spread quickly.
A. broke out B. put out
C. came out D. got out
4. We’re trying to ring you back, Bryan, but we think we ________ your number incorrectly.
A. looked up B. took down
C. worked out D. brought about
2. means
They had no means of communication.
We need to find some other means of transportation.
We must use every means at our disposal.
She tried to explain by means of sign language.
There is no means of tracing the debt at all.
The family had no means of support (= way of getting money).
by all means
used to give permission: of course 當然可以
"May I borrow this book?" "By all means.“
by no means (ALSO not by any means)
not at all: 決不
It is by no means certain that we'll finish the project by June.
This isn't the last we'll hear of it by any means.
I’ve tried very hard to improve my English. But by no means __________ with my progress.
A. the teacher is not satisfied
B. is the teacher not satisfied
C. the teacher is satisfied
D. is the teacher satisfied
三、 句型歸納
1.…….as it is more often referred to. 這是一個復合句,as引導一個非限制性定語從句且在從句中作定語。 在非限制性定語從語中,as和which均可替代整個主句或句中某個部分,在從句中作主語,賓語,表語.如從句在主句之后,兩者皆可用: Grammar is not a set of dead rules, which /as I have said before. 但下列情況只用as:①如從句在主句之前;②如關系代詞代表主句全部意思,有 “正如”之意時;③當先行詞被the same, such, so 修飾時.
which, as, that
1) The earth runs around the sun, _________is known by everyone.
2) These tables are made of metal, ______ makes them very heavy.
3) Things will turn out contrary to one’s wishes, ____ is often the case.
4) Mr. Chen gave us such a difficult question _____nobody worked it out.
5) Mr. Chen gave us such a difficult question ____ nobody worked out.
The Beatles, ________many of you are old enough to remember, came from Liverpool. A. what B. that C. how D. as
2.. The UN-bringing everyone closer together.
bring...together 使……和好, 團聚。
① The loss of their son _______ the two of them _______.喪子使他們重歸于好。
② The policeman’s help _______ the parents and the lost son _______. 警察的幫助使父母和走散的兒子團聚。
bring on 引起;導致 ;幫助;提高; 改善
bring out 生產;制造
bring round 使蘇醒 使改變主張
bring under 鎮壓;壓制;使就范:
bring up 教育;養育; 提出;引出嘔吐
bring in 產生(利益); 賺到 引進;吸收參加
bring about 引起; 致使; 造成; 達成
bring along 帶來
bring down 使落下, 使倒下, 擊落
bring back 回憶; 使憶起 使返回; 歸還; 帶回來
bring forward 提出 出示; 展示
① Working out in the rain for a long time may _______ a fever. 在雨中工作很長時間可能使人發高燒。
② They succeeded in __________ a new kind of soap
③ _______________ to our point of view. 讓他贊成我們觀點。
④ The frost fire has been ___________________. 森林大火已被控制住。
⑤ The general manager ______________ a new reform plan on the personnel system for the company. 總經理為公司提出了一份有關人事制度改革的新方案。
⑥ The final examination will be ________________ June instead of July. 期終考試將由七月提前到六月舉行.
⑦ The boys _______ £60 a week. 這些男孩子每周賺60鎊。
⑧ They tried to make the shop __________ the price of the computers. 他們試圖使讓商店降低電腦價格。
⑨ This would ___________a lowering of the general level of intelligence in the population. 這將使人口一般智力水平下降。
The president spoke at the business meeting for nearly an hour without _____ his notes.
A. bringing up B. referring to
C. looking for D. trying on
3. I feel very honoured to have been able to take on this role. take on 雇用;聘用;開始顯現; 變得有; 承擔(工作、責任等)
① She was ________as a trainee. 她受聘當實習生。
② Our city has _______ a new look since the reform. 自從改革以來, 我們城市呈現了新面貌。
③ I can't ______ any extra work. 我不能承擔額外的工作。
take for 當作;誤認為
take in 收留, 收容 (某人) 包括; 囊括;包含
take off 脫掉(衣服)(飛機)起飛
take up 開始從事; 專注于
take back 收回,帶回
take place 舉行,舉辦
take away 帶走
take down 拿下
①. Mr. Pier has taken his son _____ from the boarding-school(寄宿學校).
②. He would neither apologize nor take ____ what he had said.
③. I took the book ____ to the library yesterday.
④. The rain has stopped. You may take _____ your umbrella.
⑤. The motorist's name and address were taken _____ by the policeman.
⑥. He took __ his glasses and wiped them again, outside and in.
⑦. A helicopter is able to take ____and land straight up and down.
⑧. The dentist is going to take this tooth ___.
⑨. The weather is perfect for taking the children ____ for a walk.
⑩. The concert takes _____ next Friday.
4 With the help of these armies and other worthy organizations…
Your suggestion is worthy of consideration.
=Your suggestion is _______________________________.
= Your suggestion is ___________________________________.
It is worthwhile to consider/ considering your suggestion.
worthless ( 無價值的,無益的) valuable (貴重的, 有價值的)
worthy ( 應...的, 可敬的, 值得的, 相稱的)
priceless (無價的, 極貴重的 )
1) 正如我剛才所說, 我們期望2009年是個好年頭.
2) 她說她等了一個鐘頭, 這是真的
3) 問題是我們能否在這么短的時間內作好充份的準備.
4) 他今天沒來上學的原因是他不得不在家照顧生病的母親.
5) 我們經常給孩子們提供玩具, 足球或籃球, 總認為所有孩子們都會喜歡這些東西的.
6) 他最近一直很努力, 這使他獲得成功成為可能.
五. 課文單詞填空:(每空一詞)
1.Passage A(Reading)
The United Nations
When it was ___1__ up after the Second World War in October 1945
Countries in the UN (originally ) 51 countries
(recently) 191 countries
___2_____ it dealt with helps end some of the world’s most horrible ___4___ ; __5___ the victims of wars and disasters; protects human rights; improves international laws; helps with other problems such as lack of education, lack of food, poverty, disasters and disease.
Its four main ___3____ to keep international _6___ to __7___ friendly relationships among nations to cooperate in solving international problems and in promoting ___8____ for human rights to be a centre for organizing the actions or work of different nations
Goals it promises to achieve by 2015 eight goals, one of which is to ensure that fresh drinking water is __9____ to everyone and another is that all children __10__ primary education
The United Nation was founded in Oct. 1954 by 51 countries. Today there are about 191 countries in the word that have the memberships of the UN. It plays a leading role in many ways. For example, it borrows soldiers from different countries to keep international peace. Led by the organizations of the UN, 191 different countries work together to solve international problems and to keep peace to develop friendly relationships among nations. Through these actions, the UN brings everyone in different countries close together.
2.Passage B(Project)
I arrived here to find everything was in ___1___. This is a ___2__ different experience for me. We are very __3____ about the outbreak of water-borne diseases such as malaria and typhoid. Besides many health problems, in the rest of the city, shelter and _4_____ to food and clean water are big problems. When I ___5____ with people, I find that my job is not____6___ to being a nurse. This experience makes me ___7____ all the things I have and gives me the chance to see things from another side. I am __8____ that I can help here and there, and make a ___9___ to people’s lives on an ___10____ level.
Educating girls quite possibly harvests a higher rate of return than any other investment available in the developing world. Women's education may be an unusual field for economists(經濟學家), but increasing women's contribution to development is actually as much an economic as a social issue. And economics, with its focus on incentives(鼓勵), provides an explanation for why so many girls are deprived of(剝奪)an education.
Parents in low-income countries fail to invest in their daughters because they do not expect them to make an economic contribution to the family: girls grow up only to marry into somebody else's family and bear children. Girls are thus seen as less valuable than boys and are kept at home to do housework while their brothers are sent to school - the prophecy (預言) becomes self-fulfilling, trapping women in a vicious circle (惡性循環) of neglect.
An educated mother, on the other hand, has greater earning abilities outside the home and faces an entirely different set of choices. She is likely to have fewer but healthier children and can insist on the development of all her children, ensuring that her daughters are given a fair chance. The education of her daughters then makes it much more likely that the next generation of girls, as well as of boys, will be educated and healthy. The vicious circle is thus transformed into a virtuous circle.
Few will argue that educating women has great social benefits. But it has enormous economic advantages as well. Most obviously, there is the direct effect of education on the wages of female workers. Wages rise by 10 to 20 per cent for each additional year of schooling. Such big returns are impressive by the standard of other available investments, but they are just the beginning. Educating women also has a significant impact on health practices, including family planning.
Topic: The significance of female (1) ___________ in developing countries
Viewpoint Educating girls is more beneficial than any other (2) ______________.
Families From low-income families From educated mothers' families
Attitudes Girls are of less (3) ___________ than boys. Development should be for all (4)____________
Practices ●There is (5). ______________
investment in daughters.
●Girls axe made to stay at home, (6)_________housework. Girls and boys have (7) _______ chances.
Consequences A vicious circle A virtuous circle
Significance Educating girls (8)__________ to social benefits, (9)__________ advantages and health practices, including family planning.
(10)_________ Educating girls in developing countries is important and rewarding.
七 寫作
自1978年以來,我國海外留學生回國人數逐年上升。請在Shanghai Daily上發表一篇文章,根據圖表敘述海外人員歸國情況,分析回流原因,并希望更多的海外學者回國創業。
要求: 1)可根據內容要點適當增加細節,使行文連貫。
參考詞匯:制定政策 work out policies 海歸人員 returnee
There has been a reversal of the brain drain since 1978 across the country.
17.temporary 18.shelter 19.staff20. barrier
1, Operation operator is operating continuously. The medicine gradually operated What you said operated is operated operate several companies
2. on purpose We purpose another trial.
3. on purpose We purpose another trial.
4 cooperation cooperative cooperate with sb. in/on sth I am so happy to cooperate with you.
I thought you would cooperate.
5. Volunteer voluntarily volunteer to do sth no one volunteered. She volunteered for a dangerous mission. volunteered to teach
6. for lack of sth lack sth seems to be lacking in intelligence. is lacking to carry on the project. C
7. poor be poor in be in poverty
8. a large collection of stamps collect stamps collect money Will you collect all the students to the classroom? an opportunity of collecting his thoughts. leaving it here and collecting it
9. frustrate frustration be frustrated in He was frustrated by his poverty.
10.comfortable discomfort uncomfortable He lived in comfort. comforted her husband
三. 鞏固(反饋)訓練
I. 單項填空
II. 用所給詞語的適當形式填空
1 Adding added up add up to Add…and To sum up
2. has been taking on took the trouble took up take advantage of takes pride in took action
III. 同義句轉換。
1. Lacking
2. as well as
3. except for
IV. 翻譯下列句子。
1. No one want to take on the challenge-it was just too dangerous.
2. He assisted us in setting up the new company
3. The tickets are available from the secretary’s office.
4. If you want to visit the church, I recommend going there by underground.
5. The only way access to the village is by boat.
6. The medical team set up a temporary health centre to take care of the wounded.
7. Exercise can make a big difference to your state of health.
8. The very photo on the wall reminds me of the childhood by the sea.
1. made up of 2. take on this role 3. is involved in
4. to ensure that fresh drinking water is available to everyone 5. look up
6. make …aware of ; in need 7. had it not done so much for children.
8. badly damaged;in a mess 9. making it difficult to travel from place to place
10. as quickly as possible to stop disease spreading
一. 單詞檢測
17.temporary 18.shelter 19.staff20. barrier
二. 用法講練:
1. break bursting smashed
2. escape from flee
3. checked
4. D
II. 用括號內所給詞的適當形式填空
to comfort pumping healed to fetch has been farmed
fled drawing touch reminding facing
III. 單項填空
IV. 補全或翻譯下列句子。
V. 課文單詞填空:(每空一詞)
honored international purposes laws poverty disasters encourage drinking water
1 1. in chaos 2. focus on 3. get hold of 4. remainds of 5. is; involved in
6.on behalf of 7. concentrate on 8. take on 9.under the umbrella of
10. breaks down
2. 1. putting up 2. has used up 3. stayed up 4. were picked up 5.ended up 6.took up 7. look up 8. giving up 9.make up
1. go wrong
2. refer to
3. be made up of
4. feel honoured to do sth
5. take on
6. be based on
7. develop friendly relationships
8. be involved in
9. in addition
10. increase people’s awareness of
11. add…to
12. lack of education
13. agree to do sth
14. on behalf of
15. developing countries
16. working conditions
17. if only…
18. focus on
19. be lack of
20. recommend doing sth
21. be concerned about
22. access to
23. remind sb. of sth.
24. a large collection of…
25. special soldiers
26. a shortage of
27. live in poverty
28. running water
29. a Goodwill Ambassador
30. draw local people’s attention
31. a sum of money
32. under the umbrella of
33. drinking water
34. be available to
35. primary education
36. look it up on the UN website
37. peacekeeping operation
38. to and from every part of the world
39. the living standards
40. working conditions
41. in the reverse order
42. in chaos
43. put on weight
44. from place to place
45. be limited to…
46. think back to
2. D
三、 句型歸納
1. as/which which as that as D
2. 1.bring on 2. bringing out 3. Bring him round 4. brought under control 5. brought forward 6. brought forward to 7. bring in 8. bring down 9. bring about B
3. 1 away 2. back 3. back 4. down 5. down 6. off 7. off 8. out 9. out
10. place
4. worthy to be considered. worth considering.
1. As I was saying, we expect 2009 to be a good year.
2. She said she had been waiting for an hour, which was true.
3. The reason he was absent from school is that he had to look after his sick mother.
4. The question is whether we can make good preparations in such a short time.
5. We often provide our children with toys, footballs or basketball, thinking that all children like these things.
6. He has been working hard recently, making it possible for him to achieve success.
五. 課文單詞填空:(每空一詞)
1. set 2. Problems 3. Problems 4. conflicts 5. assists 6. peace 7. develop
8. respect 9. available 10. complete
1. chaos. 2.totally 3. concerned 4.access 5. communicate 6.limited
7. appreciate 8. proud 9. difference 10. individual
1. education 2. investment(s) 3. value /importance/significance 4. children 5. no/little
6. doing 7. fair/equal 8. contributes/leads 9. economic 10. Conclusion
七 寫作
One possible version:
There has been a reversal of the brain drain since 1978 across the country. Between 1978 and 2007, about 7,000 overseas Chinese returned to Shanghai after completing their studies abroad. They accounted for about 25% of all returnees nationwide. The year 2008 has witnessed a boom. The number of returnees came up to 15,000. By the end of 2010, a further 22,000 will have returned to this city.
The reversal of the brain drain mainly arises from three facts. Firstly, our government values overseas Chinese scholars highly, encourages them to return home to start their own careers and has worked out a series of preferential policies. In Shanghai, the famous international city, they can enjoy a modern lifestyle. Secondly, China’s economy has been developing at a high speed, which provides them with a vast space of development. Many returnees have achieved outstanding success in scientific research or in high-level management. They are playing a more and more important role. Thirdly, the current global financial crisis leaves many overseas out of work or at the edge of being laid off. They feel more secure at home because the economy is more stable.
I hope that more overseas Chinese can head home. There is a bright future ahead of them.